...sites with high numbers of removal notices may appear lower in search results.On the background of all known Negative SEO cases this can be the next thing, where a honest publisher will be punished for nothing.
There are enough known cases, where content scraping sites get better SERP places as the unique content providers. And there are enough abusive content removal requests - just read the Google's report. The best defense is a good offence. We construct our publishing identities network, which serves as our own author-oriented knowledge graph. Its purposes are, that
- always working removal requests at Google and DMCA takedowns,
- lack of effect in case of abusive third part removal requests,
- doubtless machine-readable relations between author's entity and author's creative work.
Creating entities
Author entity as unique digital ID
Lets ensure, that the writing person becomes the entity, better validated by more then one trustful source. It is important, because an author must be able to verify the relation between his person, his creative work, and the medium, which publishes his creative work. The most important and helpful sites, where you can establish an authoring entity, are- Google Plus. This is in my opinion the key entity, where you can interlink your all other digital identities.
- Freebase. This knowledge silo is acquired by Google to enrich its Knowledge Graph, like it do with help of Wikipedia. I described pretty detailed, how to create a Freebase entity, so use this How-To to create a Freebase account, then create a Freebase entity for the writing person, and then, in the next step, to create an entity for the publishing medium, where the writing person publishes its content.
Orchid. This is a pretty new, but growing digital identity provider (nearly 1 Mio ID's) with the slogan "Connecting research and researchers", where authoring individuals can get both of unique ID as an author, and unique ID for any of own publications and other creative works. Any kind of creative work can get here a unique Orchid ID: books, articles, websites. Orchid offers the chaining of digital identities too: it means you can associate with the Orchid's digital ID your digital ID's from other identity providers, like Freebase, Wikipedia, ISBN number and so on. It is very helpful by our next steps, which i explain further.
Medium entity
The publishing medium must better have its own digital ID. As first please get to know, which digital entities are already owned by the medium: it could be a Wikipedia entry or something other. In case of having such, note it: it will be useful later. You can create an entity for the publishing medium even if you don't own it. But before you do it, clear whether the medium not already have an entity, and if it is possible ask for permission by owners.For the purpose of establishing an entity for the publishing medium i recommend to use:
- Google Plus for business. This is pretty the same as a Google Plus account for individuals, which i mentioned to use by authoring persons. The account creating procedure is pretty simple and detailedly described, so any business entity gets it own digital entity.
- Freebase. We used Freebase for the entity creation for the writing individual - on the same way we do it now for the publishing medium. Any Freebase ID, independently of the subject, looks like /m/01abcdef.
Publication entity
Each creative work can and must have a unique identification, which is machine-readable and validated. There are many already existing entity providers like ISBN, but they aren't the subject of this article: we are talking here about getting an entity from scratch. For a publications, like an article on a website i recommend to create- an Orchid ID in your Orchid authors account. There you can describe you article as detailed as you wish, establish the relation between the author and the publication, so your creative work gets the machine-readable and validated unique ID.
How to chain entities
This is the mostly important task: here we establish machine-readable relations between the author, the medium and the publication. Such relations ensure many things at once, which are substantial for authors:- gain the author's trust rank,
- assure against content scraping,
- establish the author-oriented knowledge graph.
- Google Plus offers
- adding of third-part digital ID's, where you add your authors entities from Freebase and Orchid,
- adding of publishing media, where you contribute - here you add the URL of your publishing media.
- Freebase has a real bunch of properties for chaining several entity types. So the type "author" has a property "work written", which allows listing of creative works with their Orchid IDs, the same type "author" has a property "contributing author to", where publishing media can be added with their Google Plus, Wikipedia, Freebase IDs.
- Orchid offers in the settings of the author account adding websites the author contributes. Here you can add URLs of publishing media, URLs of their Google Plus and Freebase accounts. Beside of adding publishing media to the author's account, make sure you create an Orchid entry in your authors account for every publication, so you get an Orchid publication's unique ID and bind it to the author's Orchid ID.
- Do the entities chaining author-oriented! Make the author the main entity and the center of all incoming relations.
- Make the Google Plus account of the authoring person the incoming and binding entity for all third-part relations, which are established only by URL, like your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, About.me accounts and so on.
Entities chaining through structured data markup
How to bind every publication to author and publishing medium? As described before, the only way was to make for each publication an entry on author's Orchid account an to get an unique publishing Orchid ID. Its good, but not good enough: i recommend to bind all these entities in source code of the publication directly, with the structured data markup. Schema.org offers a good diversity of properties to establish relations between author, medium and creative work. Marking up the publication as the type "CreativeWork", you get wide possibilities to relate all entities, we created with the publication. I recommend to go following way:- On marking up the publication with describing properties like "name" and "url", don't forget to use the "sameAs"-property and set it up with the Orchid ID of this publication
- On marking up the publishing medium of the publication with the "publisher" or "provider"-properties, don't hesitate to extend the markup with the type "Organization" and describe it with the "sameAs"-property, setting up with the Google Plus, Freebase and/or Wikipedia / DBpedia URIs. BTW. you can use the "sameAs"-property so often you need.
- On marking up the publication with the "author"-property extend it with the type "Person" and use as description the "sameAs"-property, which contains Google Plus and Freebase URL and Orchid ID of the author.